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Africa - The Call of the Wild

Majestic lions on a ramble through the never-ending savannas, a proud Maasai in front of a hut in Kenya - no other region on earth evokes as clear a mental image as Africa does. But the black continent has much more to offer than the sensational Big Five, safari tours and the endless open desert landscape of the Sahara.

Lion in the savanna in Africa

Geography - Hot deserts and fruitful rainforests

Over a billion people live on the second-biggest continent on earth. Africa is called "the cradle of humankind" or "the black continent" – and has a prominent position in the general conception. Its tremendous diversity is already reflected in the high number of different countries. Africa consists of over 5o states altogether, which are divided into four different time zones. Regarding climate, Africa is extreme and incomparable. With over 56°C, Libya is the hottest place populated by people. Of course temperatures differ from region to region in a continent of this size. Countries in the north of Africa, like Tunesia, Morocco and Algeria, have very hot summers and mild winters, while the west of Africa is dominated by the Sahel (a hot, dry and windy zone). The farther visitors go over Central Africa into the south, the greener the landscape gets and the milder the temperatures become. Besides the deserts and savannas, you find vast rainforests in west and central Africa. The most fertile rainforest area lies in the Congo Basin.

South Africa's coast

Nature - From never-ending steppes into the height of the mountains

Africa offers an extremely wide range of a multifaceted flora and fauna. The region is called Garden of Eden for a reason. On the one hand, there are quickly growing rainforests in western and central Africa, which are home to many unique and mostly unexplored plants. On the other hand, the continent contains three great deserts. Best known is the world's biggest desert Sahara, but also the Namib desert and the desert region at the Horn of Africa have their own unique charm. Rare wild animals such as buffaloes, giraffes and zebras but also predators like lions and cheetahs ramble through the country's savannas and dry forests. One of the most impressive things Africa has to offer are the great herds, which can easily be observed in many areas of the country. Other highlights are the breathtaking massifs such as Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Mount Kenya and the impressive Rwenzori range.

Africa's fauna

Culture - Indigenous tribes meet ancient advanced civilisations

The people and their history shape the regions and make each of them unique. While the Egyptians created their advanced civilisation in the north of Africa centuries ago, the indigenous tribes in Kenya and Tanzania and the Maasai hold on to their traditional customs and rites. The image showing the isolated huts of nomadic tribes presents the real Africa just like metropolises such as Johannesburg, Cape Town or Cairo do. The Diversity of the people and their history goes hand in hand with their impressive and unique culture and music. Especially the typical African wood sculptures grow more and more popular. The incredible cultural diversity is also present in the country's languages. Over 200 different languages and dialects are still spoken on the continent.

A Maasai at the beach in Africa

Experience - Roar with lions and rest with pharaohs

Those who take the chance and travel to Africa should not miss out on the Big Five: the elephant, rhinoceros, buffalo, lion and leopard. These five giants can best be watched on a safari in one of the country's national parks, which are generally worth a visit. The best-known nature reserve is the Serengeti National Park but also the Chobe National Park is highly recommendable. If you want to cool down, you should take a ride on a traditional paddle steamers and experience the popular cruise on the Nile. In Egypt you can visit the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx and the Valley of the Kings. The best places for a relaxing sunbath are the beaches at the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea in the north or the Atlantic Ocean in the east. The African cuisine varies considerably from region to region. Various types of cereal, plantains, maize and cassava are the basics of the menu and are served as mash most of the time. Fish and meat dishes made from gazelles, ostriches and antelopes are prepared for special occasions.

Africa cruise on the Nile


Especially the far north and the south of Africa have been fully developed for tourists and can easily be reached by a number of airlines. Depending on which country you want to visit, the entry requirements and health regulations differ. In some countries, a malaria vaccination is necessary. You should note this when preparing your holiday and do it in time. Relevant information is provided on the website of the WHO, for example. Conditions also differ with regard to safety regulations depending on where you want to travel. In some countries, you need a valid visa.

The traditional way of life of the Maasai, the calm and balance of nature and the young but vibrant metropolitan regions make Africa a unique and appealing place. There is plenty to discover on this continent for people who love animals and adventure.

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