Travel destination search with
Find your perfect travel destination!
It's all over town:! Are you still looking for a fitting travel destination for your next dream holiday? Then you have come to the right place! We present you with our German search engine which helps you find the perfect travel destination. Whether you want to go on a diving trip in Australia, winter holidays in the Dolomites or a cruise in the Caribbean - there is something for everyone. You simply put your individual travel preferences in the search mask and we show you the destinations which fit you best. There is no better way to start the best time of the year! Try it out and find your perfect travel destination in only a few minutes...
That's us!
Who is behind Travelmyne? We have our seat at the gates of Leipzig and that is where the following question came up for the first time in autumn 2013: Why is there no search engine which tells me which travel destinations fit my personal interests best? No sooner said than done- the Travelmyne project was born and has been growing ever sine. First, we compiled the most important travel countries on earth but we soon expanded the project to also include the most beautiful travel destinations within certain countries. Our editors research new holiday destinations across the globe every day and create exciting and informative brief travel guides. You find all these travel destinations using the centrepiece of our work - the search engine - who can test it.
Find your travel destination now
You find more information on Travelmyne and our team here.
That's how it works!
We have examined hundreds of travel destination from all over the world and took into account over 90 criteria such as landscape areas, cultural diversity and offered leisure activities. Our database now contains several hundreds of thousands of data sets of a number of travel regions - and it is growing continuously. We research new and exciting travel destinations every day introduce you to the best holiday location and travel regions in our brief travel guides. The database is the basis of our new and free travel destination search engine. It gives you the opportunity to choose your travel wishes and requirements and then the system calculates which travel destination fit your individual preferences best.
Try it and be one of the first people to use the travel destination search.
Any more questions?
Do you have more question about Travelmyne or the search engine? Then contact us. We are grateful for any ideas, suggestions and comments. You also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. We are happy you are visiting our website and hope you have fun finding your perfect travel destination!
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