• Travel destination of Copenhagen in Denmark
  • Discovering travel destinations in Denmark

    Shifting sand dunes, the legacy of the Vikings, a vibrant capital and bicycles at every corner - the typical picture of Denmark is diverse but it only shows a tiny part of the charming Nordic country in Europe. Families and bathers enjoy the long beaches and culture enthusiasts find wonderful fairy-tale castles, great castle gardens and the magic of Hans Christian Andersen. We show you the 20 most beautiful travel regions in Denmark and hope you have fun browsing and exploring.

  • Share Travelmyne on Facebook
  • Sharing travel destinations with friends

    Have you found your ideal travel destination using Travelmyne? Then share your result with friends and family on Facebook or Twitter with only one click. How does that work? It's simple!

  • Holiday planning
  • Planning a holiday with Travelmyne

    The holidays are the best time of the year. Leaving behind stressful everyday life, unwinding for a few weeks and enjoying the good things in life - that's how most of us image our dream holiday. We love spending our days off work with our loved ones. But no matter if you are taking your partner, family or best friend - a trip together is often an issue of dispute and that starts when you are planning the trip. She wants to go to the sea, he wants to go to cross the mountains on his mountain bike. To help you avoid getting into an argument, we have compiled a number of useful tips for harmonious holiday planning.

  • English Language Day
  • English Language Day 2015

    Today is the English Language Day and the World Book Day. It's the perfect occasion to make yourself familiar with different English-speaking cultures as well as those countries' language and literature. After all, English is not called the "global language" for no reason. It has over 375 million native speakers in addition to about 1.5 billion people who have learned the language to be able to communicate with people from all over the world.

  • Summer destinations 2015
  • Where to go in the summer of 2015?

    We bet you can hardly wait for the first long rays of sunshine, green meadows, the smell of barbecues in your nose and a jump into the next bathing lake. We long for summer heat and get you in the right mood for your summer holiday with ten of the most beautiful summer destinations in 2015.

  • International Francophonie Day 2015
  • International Francophonie Day 2015

    In celebration of the International Francophonie Day 2015, we show you our Top 10 of the most beautiful French-speaking travel destinations worldwide. To the present day, French is one of the five most important languages on earth. Over 220 million people in more than 70 countries speak French and it is the only language (nect to English) which is spoken on five continents. In addition, French is one of the most popular languages in school and used all over the world. So, a language stay in a French-speaking country really pays off.

  • Travel destination search Travelmyne
  • Travel destination search with Travelmyne.de

    It's all over town: Travelmyne.de! Are you still looking for a fitting travel destination for your next dream holiday? Then you have come to the right place! We present you with our German search engine which helps you find the perfect travel destination. Whether you want to go on a diving trip in Australia, winter holidays in the Dolomites or a cruise in the Caribbean - there is something for everyone. You simply put your individual travel preferences in the search mask and we show you the destinations which fit you best. There is no better way to start the best time of the year! Try it out and find your perfect travel destination in only a few minutes...

  • Travel tips for Easter
  • Last minute travel tips for Easter

    Easter is almost here and you have no idea how and where to spend the holidays? No problem. We have looked around and found the most interesting and beautiful last-minute ideas for Easter. Use the long weekend for an exciting city trip or enjoy the first rays of sunshine at the sea. There are great travel opportunities for active holidaymakers and party-goers which do not have to be planned well in advance. A bit of spontaneity, Easter mood and our Easter tips and you are on your way eynjoying your Easter trip 2015.

  • Travel destinations in Australia
  • Find the Most Beautiful Travel Destinations in Australia

    We have searched and found the greatest travel regions in for you. We have had a closer look at 40 travel destinations and are fascinated by the red continent, especially by the country's great diversity. Orange-red deserts in the outback, lush green rainforests and the vicinity to the Great Barrier Reef - the largest coral reef on earth - make Australia one of the best travel destination in 2015. Furthermore, you find lively cities such as Sydney and the relaxed attitude of the Australians - this country is the ideal destination for your next holiday!

  • Winter sports in summer
  • Top 10 travel destinations for doing winter sports and going skiing in summer (April to September)

    It is March, the sun is shining more often and slowly but surely the temperatures rise. What is a reason to celebrate for many people, causes sadness in others because when the temperatures increase, so does the number of popular winter sports areas which are about to close. Skiing areas in Germany, winter sports resorts in Switzerland and ski lifts in the Czech Republic - they all close during the summer to the regret of all winter sports fans. But they do not have to wait for the next winter. There are numerous winter sports region across the globe which can also be used for going skiing in summer. Do not put away your snowboards and ski sticks yet but extend the winter sports season over the whole year in the 10 best skiing regions in summer...
