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  • Winter sports in summer
  • Top 10 travel destinations for doing winter sports and going skiing in summer (April to September)

    The most beautiful winter sports regions in summer

     It is March, the sun is shining more often and slowly but surely the temperatures rise. What is a reason to celebrate for many people, causes sadness in others because when the temperatures increase, so does the number of popular winter sports areas which are about to close. Skiing areas in Germany, winter sports resorts in Switzerland and ski lifts in the Czech Republic - they all close during the summer to the regret of all winter sports fans. But they do not have to wait for the next winter. There are numerous winter sports region across the globe which can also be used for going skiing in summer. Do not put away your snowboards and ski sticks yet but extend the winter sports season over the whole year in the 10 best skiing regions in summer...


    These 10 travel destinations are excellently suited for winter holidays in summer:

    When the summer arrives, the ski season in Argentina begins. The most popular skiing location is Bariloche. From June to October, the ski resorts in the Andes opens its gates. 70 kilometres of pistes, all levels of difficulty, 30 lifts and the opportunity to walk in the vast ice and glacial world of Patagonia. Argentina is an excellent destination when it comes to winter sports in summer.
    New Zealand is known as the mother of extreme sports and extravagant winter sports. It offers great location for going snowboarding or heli-skiing in summer. Lake Wanaka and the plains of Canterbury are particularly suited for such activities. The white snow in New Zealand's wonderful backdrop makes the oceanic paradise our number 2 of the best winter sports regions in summer.
    Another South American Andean country has made it into our Top 10 of the best summer skiing areas - Chile. The season lasts from June to October and one of the best winter sports locations lies near the capital of Santiago. Several hotels offer exciting helicopter flights to the peaks. Therefore, Chile is a great destination for winter holidays in summer.
    The skiing season lasts until July in some mountainous areas in Austria. Excellent winter sports regions are Schladming-Dachstein with 230 kilometres of pistes and over 80 lifts and the Dachsteingletscher (a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site). Winter sports fans go skiing, snowboarding and cross-country skiing here almost all year.
    Who would have thought? Winter sports are also possible in the home country of the kangaroos and koalas. The winter sports season in Australia lasts from July to September. The most beautiful skiing areas are located in the Snowy Mountains in New South Wales and in the so-called Australian Alps around Mount Hotham at a height of 1,500 metres. You do not know this side of Australia yet.
    Scandinavia is generally one of the best winter sports destinations worldwide. In the summer months, you should visit the country of Norway. There are wonderful summer skiing regions in the higher areas and in the north. The summer ski resort Stryn near the Tystig glacier is highly recommended. Holidaymakers can do winter sports here all year.
    Africa is known for its wild safaris, vast savannas and the Big 5. Only a few people know that there are interesting skiing areas in the south of the continent. You find the most modern piste at a height of 3,400 metres in the Maloti Mountains in the country of Lesotho. Near this piste you see a snow park for snowboarders. The season lasts from June to August.
    The snow-covered Greenland is excellently suited for cross-country skiing trips, snow hikes and relaxed rides with the sledge dogs. During the skiing season which lasts until May ski ascents of mountains and snow scooter trips are offered. In addition, there are helicopter waiting to take you on top of the next mountain for the adventurous activity of downhill skiing.
    There is a second African country which made into the Top 10 of the best summer skiing regions. South Africa contains the continent's oldest skiing and winter sports area. Tiffindell is located at a height of 2,700 metres in the Drakensberg and offers a ski run and a drag lift. The skiing season lasts from June to August here and promises an African adventure of a different kind.
    Number 10 of our Top 10 summer skiing regions is one of the European norther lights - Svalbard. Skiing and winter sports holidays near the capital of Longyearbyen are only suited for hard-boiled travellers and adventurers. Since the island in the polar region is covered in snow in both winter and summer, it is excellently suited for cross-country skiing and snow hikes.


    A tip for winter sports in summer

    Another way to extend the winter and the skiing season over the summer are the numerous indoor ski halls which you find all over the world. A particularly bizarre example is the Ski Dubai - a ski hall in the middle of the hot desert city of Dubai. Another worthwhile indoor hall is the Snow Dome in Bispingen in the Lüneburger Heath in Germany.

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    Find your perfect skiing destination!

    Skiing and snowboarding in summer is a long-cherished dream for many travellers. We show you the best summer travel destinations for going skiing across the globe. Plan your winter sport experience in summer with Travelmyne!


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