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Tonga - Fairy-tale Kingdom in the South Pacific

Visitors experience Polynesia's culture authentically in the Kingdom of Tonga. Since the island state in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean was never colonised by the Europeans, it has kept its unique charm and nativeness.

Tonga - the kingdom

Geography - Wonderful Polynesia

Tonga is an island state in the South Pacific Ocean and is part of Polynesia. As of 2015, the kingdom consists of 177 islands. Before that, it counted 176 islands but due to an undersea volcanic eruption, a new island emerged. Only 36 islands are permanently inhabited. Most people live on the main island if Tongatapu. The climate is tropical with a lot of rain. The months from December to February have the most hours of sunshine.

Island country of Tonga

Nature - The Pacific Ring of Fire

You can see volcanic activity on Tonga's islands to the present day. At the turn of the year 2014 to 2015, a wholly new island emerged due to the eruption of an undersea volcano. Another typical feature of Tonga's islands are the lively geysers by the sea. High fountains shoot into the air and have inspired the inhabitants to many myths and legends. Besides volcanic islands, you find numerous coral reefs here, which enclose the islands like a coat, for example the main island of Tongatapu. Visitors most of all enjoy the white and romantic sandy beaches. There are secluded beaches, cosy bays and lively beach sections with various water sports opportunities.

Tonga's geysers

Culture - The real Oceania

Tonga is the only kingdom in Oceania which has never been colonised by the Europeans. Therefore, the Tongans could preserve their native culture to the present day. The royal family is still important to Tonga's population. The rejection of monarchy is considered an insult and is a faux pas tourists should avoid. The royal palace, in which the royal family resides, is located on Tongatapu. Besides monarchy, religion plays an important role. Almost all Tongans are Christians and there are many small and big churches on the islands.

Tonga's churches

Activities - Relaxation or action?

Kitesurfing, surfing, sailing, diving, snorkelling, deep sea fishing and much more. There are many ways of being active in Tonga. Many of them take place in the water. Most holidaymakers, however, come to the tropical island in the South Pacific Ocean to rest and relax.

Beaches in Tonga


Besides Tongan, the English language is commonly spoken on the islands. The best time for a trip to Tonga are the months from June to September because it rains less at that time. However, you always have to be prepared for rain.

Tonga is a real island paradise for travellers to enjoy. Wild nature alternates with smooth beaches. The islands offer natural beauty and are full of surprises.

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Flag of Tonga
747 km²
Pa'anga (TOP)
Tongan, English